Saturday, November 1, 2008

Today is A Good Day

Today I went to lunch with my family. Not because I was just in town, but because tomorrow (technically today) is my birthday.

I was born exactly 19 years ago. I don't know what the weather was like, or what was going on in the news. I don't know how my siblings felt exactly or exactly what the circumstances of my birth were. I hear bits and pieces of the story. The way Mother felt on Halloween watching my siblings in a Halloween parade, Daddy being in Logan, the story of the nurse asking which of the party to take my mom to the hospital was pregenant, etc. But I really don't know much about my birth, per se. I don't know what purpose I came into the world for. I am still trying to figure that out.

And now I sit in my dorm room in Provo, UT. I don't know what I am doing at BYU. I don't know what my mission here upon the earth is. But something inside of me lets me know that somewhere, out there, beyond my mortal vision, my Heavenly Parents look down and smile upon me. I feel Their love as I try to live, repent, sanctify. Christ also looks down upon me and shows me His mercy. On the day of the anniversary of my birth, I am grateful that I have been blessed with such mercy. I feel His all encompassing love as I try to live the best I can to keep the commandments that He has lovingly set forth. I smile. I really do. For the first time in quite a while, I weep a little too on the day of my birth. But somehow this year, I feel born again. I feel born again.

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