Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Be Still and Know

"Therefore, let your hearts be comforted concerning Zion; for all flesh is in mine hands; be still and know that I am God."-D&C 121:16

What an appropriate scripture as we all face struggles, tests, papers, and general stress in our lives! How often do we forget the fact that God is indeed with us always and that in the end our efforts to become perfect and more like Him? How often do we remember that we will triumph? All these things will be for our good? As I have traveled through life, I am realizing how often I do not realize this. I often complain and ask God why he has given me this load to bear, this trial to endure. How could a loving God do this to me?

I don't know why God gives us the trials we have necessarily. But recently I came to a realization. God gives us trials for one reason: "Because He loves us." This sounded odd to me when I first heard it too. It really did. I did not understand it at all and brushed it aside, only to later realize how much I have learned from my trials. I never wish trials upon myself, I know that they will come and keep coming until the day I die, but I am grateful for each and every one of them in the end. From my struggles with doubt to my struggle to find who I really am, I have been so blessed by God as He has helped me along the path, taught me compassion.

I guess that is my main message. If we desire compassion and seek comfort, we must be the first in line to offer it to someone else. Everyone around us suffers just a little bit. Everyone needs that hug or that kind smile or word, even on the days that we don't feel willing to offer it. Often we don't realize how much that really can mean to someone. That in and of itself, is a manifestation of God's love and desire for us to learn. Fellow Saints of God, I call upon us to rise up. To lift the heads of the weary. To give comfort. To mourn with those who mourn. Proclaim love, peace, joy, and concern for all people. Not just the people we are comfortable with. This means everyone. This means that person you struggle with, that person who you may not agree with on certain issues, that person who you think is living in sin. As you do this, your burdens will be lifted and you will be endowed with knowledge and power from on high.

Now go forth. And do likewise.

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