Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Julie Through the Glass

I am a big fan of this Mormon Ad. Whenever Youtube isn't blocked, I look it up. I think it teaches a lesson I learned best from reading a book I initially loathed: Beloved. It teaches us to love ourselves. As we come to love ourselves, we will love others better.


Bex =] said...

I remember reading that book in school.
I couldn't stand it.
I can't even remember why.
I think perhaps because of the dialogue.
But, yeah.

I showed this ad to my little sister.
She didn't understand it, so I had to explain it to her.
She got it in the end, sort of.
She was like, "So you're telling me to be confident?"

I'm glad you put that up.
I'm sensing a theme, here.
I might as well just say I'm glad every single time you put something up, and never tell you again.
Unless you put something up that I can't stand, then I'll complain to you. =P

Nah. I doubt that'll happen. You hold waaay too many of the same views as me.
It makes me feel less... Different. Ha ha.

Catherine Agnes said...

I finally got to watch the video, and thought it definitely deserved another cup of love.

Unknown said...

This has been one of my favorite TV spots of all time. It brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it. Maybe that's because I have a special daddy/daughter bond with our 4 daughters, and my several granddaughters. I have it posted on my website too: www.soundsofsunday.com under "Gospel Principles" about half way down the page.