Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Ever since I got back from my mission, I have been struggling for the sense of normalcy that I want so badly. There are certain things that I cannot change about the past. The future is mostly a matter of us deciding to make the best of it. We mustn't live in the past. We must live in the future. Granted, there are things that we wish we could change. But as humans, we cannot nor will we change the past. We must be เข้มแข็ง. I have said this often- doing the right thing isn't always the easiest thing but it's always the right thing.

Things will get more normal. If it's any consolation, I practiced the piano and got swimming today. Life is good. It just takes time to adjust maybe?


Bob said...

There will be certain times, certain circumstances, where things won't ever feel normal again. Just sayin....

Catherine Agnes said...

I love that you are blogging again.