Thursday, April 2, 2009

Purpose with the Atonement

I was recently asked to prepare a talk on the atonement and how it gives us purpose. At first I was very puzzled. I hadn't really thought of the atonement in that exact light before. But then I was reading something just barely. It was David O. McKay's testimony of Jesus Christ.

“‘How can we know the way?’ asked Thomas, as he sat with his fellow apostles and their Lord at the table after the supper on the memorable night of betrayal; and Christ’s divine answer was: ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. …’ (John 14:5–6.) And so he is! He is the source of our comfort, the inspiration of our life, the author of our salvation. If we want to know our relationship to God, we go to Jesus Christ. If we would know the truth of the immortality of the soul, we have it exemplified in the Savior’s resurrection. …"

Christ is the way. He is the purpose.

1 comment:

Catherine Agnes said...

complex! I can't wait to hear the talk.